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MQTT Security enhanced with Multiple Authentication – MQTT Broker

by Ranjith Kumar DSM | Apr 24, 2017 | General, MQTT Broker | 0 comments

MQTT Security

MQTT Security is one of the most important mandate of the connected devices today. Hence We want to make sure our customers are able to make sure their devices, their connections and the data sent over for communication are secured. Already we support SSL / TLS data encryption for data security and we can enable strict mode where each client should have a unique certificate or a flexible mode where in all your clients can have the same certificate.

In addition, we have recently added support for configuring multiple username and passwords in the MQTT Broker. Previously it was allowed to have only one username and password for all the devices of the MQTT Broker.

By enabling you to set up numerous authentication procedures for certain clients or user groups, the multiple authentication functionality in the Bevywise MQTT Broker offers enhanced security and flexibility. Only authorized devices or users can connect to and communicate with the MQTT Broker owing to this functionality. A tiered approach to protecting your MQTT Communication can be achieved by allowing each authentication method to have its own set of credentials and access restrictions.

Configuring MQTT Security – Authentication

You can configure the list of username and password in a file in the format,

UserName Password

and then specify the file path in the /conf/broker.conf file

PASSWD_FILE = ./Certificate/Authentication/credentials.txt

An example file is available at ./Certificate/Authentication/credentials.txt
You can also share a single username and password with a set of devices.

Try our MQTT Broker for FREE and experience seamless connectivity.

Endlessly free version supports single username and password and the premium version supports the multiple authentication. Do write to support for any assistance.

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