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Department and Process Configuration

Department and Process Configuration

  • Define and configure all the production processes / Departments in a manufacturing line to manage workflow sequences, and operational procedures, facilitating the systematic mapping of specific manufacturing tasks, activities including the quality check and tool type, and production stages.
  • Based on the line or free slow setup, manufacturers will have the flexibility to setup a production line to streamline production workflows, minimize process variations, and ensure standardized process execution across the production environment.
Machine setup and Mapping

Machine setup and Mapping

  • Manufacturers can leverage the Master Data Setup to configure and map production machines, and industrial assets under each process set, enabling the seamless integration of machine-specific parameters, operational settings, and performance metrics.
  • The details provided act as a key to perform efficient machine utilization, planned maintenance scheduling, and real-time machine monitoring for enhanced production throughput and machine reliability.
Part and Tool configuration

Part and Tool configuration

  • Facilitates the option to add details about the part (end product) to be produced. The details also include the cost of each part and its CGST and GST % which is further integrated into the system for the calculation of ROI and to create DO during shipment.
  • Configure and manage production tools, tooling resources, and tool lifecycle parameters, enabling the effective mapping of tools to specific production processes. This again helps define tool usage patterns and establish tool maintenance schedules to ensure optimal tool performance, tool longevity, and operational efficiency throughout the production lifecycle.
Cycle times

Define Cycle times

  • Enables manufacturers to define and configure precise cycle time parameters, production cycle intervals, and operational timing constraints essential for optimizing production schedules, and streamlining workflow processes.
  • This includes the clear definition of machining time (Operating time), time usage for loading/unloading tools, consumables, the tool lifetime for the entire cycle, and configuring the quality tolerance values.
Pre-define Downtime and Quality Reasons

Pre-define Downtime and Quality Reasons

  • The Setup empowers manufacturers to capture and categorize downtime events, production interruptions, and quality deviations by defining predefined downtime reasons, downtime categories, and quality rejection criteria, enabling manufacturers to systematically track, analyze, and address production inefficiencies, quality issues, and process deviations for continuous process improvement and operational optimization.
  • Pre-define bad quantity reasons by categorizing quality deviations into specific defect categories, such as product defects which include size, color, weight, and other physical mismatches or inconsistencies enabling manufacturers to systematically classify and categorize production defects and quality variations based on predefined quality standards.
OEE Target Setting

OEE Target Setting

  • Manufacturers can define and set Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) targets within the Master Data Setup, establishing performance benchmarks, production efficiency goals, and operational excellence standards.
  • The target can be set process-wise, which helps manufacturers prioritize the operations/process based on the demand and can add weightage specifically to that by employing new strategies.
Material Consumable configuration

Material Consumable configuration

  • Facilitates the management of raw material inventory, consumable resources, and production supplies by enabling manufacturers to define raw material and consumable specifications.
  • Pre-configure the precise amount of raw materials required for the creation of each unit of the finished product. This vital relationship ensures accurate inventory management, optimized production planning, and precise material utilization.
onboard customer and vendor

Customer and Vendor Onboarding

  • Manufacturers can onboard customers and vendors within the Master Data Setup, enabling streamlined customer engagement, order processing, and supply chain collaboration.
  • This facilitates vendor management, procurement coordination, and supply chain visibility to ensure seamless collaboration, efficient procurement operations, and reliable supplier partnerships within the manufacturing ecosystem.
employee role

Employee Role and Permission Assignment

  • The Master Data Setup allows manufacturers to assign specific roles and permissions to employees (Operator, Supervisor, Maintenance Engineer, etc.), defining access privileges, task responsibilities, and functional authorizations within the MES software.
  • This ensures controlled data access, user accountability, and operational security to safeguard sensitive production data, uphold regulatory compliance, and maintain data integrity and confidentiality within the manufacturing environment.

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